dimanche 13 septembre 2009

Oracle lance un défi à IBM : la viabilité de SUN Sparc et SUN Solaris est garantie par Oracle

Quelques jours après l’acceptation par les autorités américaines de l’achat de SUN par oracle, le PDG d’Oracle lance un défi à l’attention de IBM : « Oui, je m’intéresse au Hardware, Non je ne vais pas morceler SUN»

Pour affirmer, cette décision, Oracle a choisit de payer une Publicité dans Wall Street Journal (version Europe). source http://www.oracle.com/features/suncustomers.html

Oracle promet d’investir massivement dans SUN, de coté HArdware : SPARC et Solaris.

Voilà, qui va contrarier IBM, tout en rassurant, peut être, les employés, les partenaires et clients de SUN.

Oracle est seul fournisseur qui offre toutes les palettes de l’informatique d’entreprise : infrastructure Hardware, plateforme logicielles et solutions métiers (IBM n’offre pas d’applications métiers et Microsoft n’offre pas de hardware).

Pour contrer Oracle, Microsoftdevrait achéter HP par exemple, et IBM devrait acquérir SAP ou Sage.

Big Red va-t-il supplanter Big Blue.

Mais ceci est un autre sujet.

autres sujets :

Oracle & SUN : Quel avenir pour l’unique solution MDM open source, SUN MDM Suite?

Oracle a acheté SUN : Que va-t-il se passer ?

Ce qu’on peut lire sur le site d’Oracle :


This acquisition combines best-in-class enterprise software and mission-critical computing systems. Oracle plans to engineer and deliver an integrated system—applications to disk—where all the pieces fit and work together so customers do not have to do it themselves. Customers benefit as their systems integration costs go down while system performance, reliability, and security go up.

Oracle's ownership of two key Sun software assets, Java and Solaris, is expected to provide our customers with significant benefit. Java is one of the computer industry's best known brands and most widely deployed technologies. Oracle Fusion Middleware is built on top of Sun's Java language and software. Oracle can now ensure continued innovation and investment in Java technology for the benefit of customers and the Java community.

The Sun Solaris operating system is the leading platform for the Oracle database. With the acquisition of Sun, Oracle can optimize the Oracle database for some of the unique, high-end features of Solaris. Oracle is as committed as ever to Linux and other open platforms, and will continue to support and enhance our strong industry partnerships.

Our customers have been asking us to step up to a broader role to reduce complexity, risk, and cost by delivering a highly-optimized standards-based product stack. Oracle plans to deliver these benefits by offering a broad range of products, including servers and storage, with all the integrated pieces: hardware operating system, database, middleware and applications. We plan to preserve and enhance investments made by our customers, while we continue to work with our partners to provide customers with choice.

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