jeudi 11 février 2010

SOA & ESB : UtraESB A new ESB free of charge, but not yet open source

I have noted recently the apparition of a new ESB on the market: the UtraESB . Il surprise me, because I’m waiting for a consolidation and not for a proliferation of the ESB offer.

The new offrer is the UtraESB, by AdroitLogic, Available FREE of charge for perpetual, unlimited production use.

architecture soa, service oriented architecture, java software, open source, eclipse,alm, j2ee, java ,bpm

The new ESB, supports HTTP/S, JMS 1.0/1.1, File, SFTP, FTP/S, Email, WS-Security, AS2, EDI, Hessian..

UtraESB is not yet open source, but AdroitLogic aimed that il will be extremely fast, lightweight and powerful, and simple to use.

AdroitLogic Private Ltd. is a young and innovative technology company based in Singapore, that believes in, and proves that better design and clever code yields much better software.

The source code of ultraESB, will be available for partners

Includes documentation, ready-to-run samples and testing tools

Some benchmark results are presented here : ESB Performance Testing - Round 4.

AdroitLogic will provide full production support from the 1.0 GA release onwards

Good luck

Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Magic

The version 1.0 GA of UltraESB, is planned for February/March 2010.

in this blog :

Fonctionnalités des ESB et offre open source : le marché n’est pas encore consolidé

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